Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Snuggle of Sheep

This is just a quick reminder that October is Pastor Appreciation month! I have already heard of churches who are giving their pastor a weekend away all expenses paid, or a dinner in his honor, or check for some additional money as a gift. Why is it so important?

Most pastors love their jobs and callings, but sometimes it goes for a while without anyone saying "thanks." With the time they invest into the equipping of the congregation for ministry and their personal time as servants of Christ, their days and nights are full. They love you, their sheep, even when you bite sometimes. They care for your wounds, labor in prayer for you, lead you beside still waters, feed you from the word, and they will give an account to the Chief Shepherd for their work.

Having been one, I know; so do something special to show your appreciation to your shepherd this month!

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